Helping Victims After Serious Accidents in Bryan & College Station

Suffering from injuries is always challenging — both physically and emotionally — no matter if they were caused by a car accident, workplace accident, or a defective product. Unfortunately, your situation can become far more difficult to cope with when your injuries are more serious.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in an accident caused by negligence, call our Bryan, Texas catastrophic injury attorneys. The Payne Law Group has helped clients recover carefully and soundly with our support for more than 70 years.

Though it can be challenging to deal with catastrophic injuries, especially if they’re permanent, we can seek the compensation you need to pay for your medical bills and other damages and relieve you of some of your burdens.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is an injury so severe that it can cause permanent disability and/or the need for long-term medical treatment or physical therapy. These injuries can result from virtually any kind of accident.

Common catastrophic injuries include:

Head and brain injuries are one of the most common types of catastrophic injuries, and they can have serious short- and long-term impacts on the victim’s abilities, including the ability to enjoy day-to-day activities or work full time. Many victims of catastrophic injuries have to be put into a coma or require amputations and surgeries.

What Are Common Accidents Resulting in Catastrophic Injuries?

There are countless possible causes of catastrophic injuries. Even car accidents that seem to cause only whiplash-like symptoms can actually cause traumatic brain injury or paralysis, for example.

Although any incident can cause serious injuries, some of the most common accidents we’ve seen that caused serious injuries include:

It’s important to note that truck accidents nearly always cause catastrophic injuries due to their sheer size and weight.

Construction and oilfield accidents also commonly cause serious injuries because of the inherently dangerous nature of the industry, which often place workers in positions of danger by cutting corners and trying to save money.

Lasting Costs Associated with Catastrophic Injuries

While all injuries can be expensive to treat, catastrophic injuries tend to be far more costly, as they can require lifelong care and treatment.

Some costs associated with supporting a person with catastrophic injuries include:

  • Emergency medical expenses, such as ambulance rides, surgeries, and hospital stays
  • Continuing medical care, including medical equipment and physical or occupational therapy
  • Nursing or home care
  • Medications
  • Lost wages or diminished earning capacity
  • Disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

Fortunately, our personal injury attorneys are here to help you regain what you’ve lost. Over the past few decades, we’ve helped countless injured clients successfully recover damages by fighting for their rights and holding negligent parties responsible.

When you call us, we can begin working on your case, so the guilty parties are unable to evade liability. Catastrophic injuries can make it nearly impossible for individuals to return to their normal way of life.

They must deal with:

  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Memory loss
  • Physical obstacles
  • And more to regain a semblance of what they once had

Someone must pay for this injustice — you can rely on us to do the heavy lifting while you focus on recovering. With just one phone call, we can take on your case and collect evidence so you can focus on what matters most: Your recovery. Contact us online or call for a consultation today.