Filing a Slip & Fall Claim in Bryan or College Station

When you enter a business to shop, dine, see a movie, or do any other activity, you have the right to a safe environment free of hazards that may cause you to slip, trip, or fall. All property owners in Texas must keep their premises safe from such dangers.

You may be entitled to compensation if you’ve been injured in an incident caused by an unsafe condition on someone else’s premises. At The Payne Law Group, we know how to hold property owners responsible for failing to ensure their properties and buildings are safe for guests and visitors. 

If you have suffered injuries in a slip-and-fall accident, you need the aggressive representation we provide. Contact us today for a free consultation. We serve clients in College Station and Bryan.  

What Is a Duty of Care?

One of the main issues in a slip-and-fall or premises liability claim is the duty of care the property owner, or possessor owes to the people on their property. Property owners have limited liability for trespassers because they were not legally allowed to be on the property. 

Invitees vs. Licensees

People who are invitees or licensees may be eligible to seek compensation for their injuries on another’s property:

  • Licensees are social guests specifically invited to be on the property, such as friends and relatives, but are not there for commercial or business purposes.
  • Invitees are generally on the property for business, such as patrons visiting a store, hotel, or restaurant.

The team at The Payne Law Group will carefully evaluate your claim, explore your options, and protect your rights. 

Our firm was founded in 1949 on the idea that honest people deserve honest legal representation in difficult times. We hold that principle close to our hearts today and look forward to providing you with the compassionate representation you need and deserve. 

What Are Some of the Most Common Slip & Trip Hazards?

Some of the most common slip and trip hazards include:

  • Lifted carpeted
  • Wet, slippery floors
  • Cluttered walkways
  • Broken steps
  • Missing or damaged handrails
  • Loose computer wires or power cables
  • Poor lighting

How to Prove Negligence

Knowing what caused your fall is crucial to building your claim. As your injury attorneys, we must prove that you encountered an unreasonable hazard, placing liability on the property owner.

To support your claim, take pictures of the accident scene as soon as possible before the owner can make any repairs. Also, get contact information for any eyewitnesses so we can obtain statements from anyone who saw you fall. Our legal team will rely on this evidence to build a solid slip-and-fall claim and get you the compensation you deserve. 

Defendant’s Strategy in a Slip-and-Fall Case 

The defendant in your slip-and-fall claim will likely argue that you could have seen and avoided the hazard had you been more careful. This argument is grounded in general premises liability law, which makes it challenging to place liability on a property owner if they did not know about the hazard or had no opportunity to correct it before an accident occurred. 

Therefore, property owners may only be liable for an “unreasonable” slip or trip hazard. Suppose a sink malfunctions in a retail store bathroom, causing flooding. Despite a janitor receiving a complaint about the water and observing it on the floor, no caution signs are placed. Unaware of the hazard, you enter, slip, and sustain serious injuries. The property owner and employee knew of the danger but neglected to mitigate it or warn others. This negligence warrants holding the retailer accountable.

How The Payne Law Group Can Help

The Payne Law Group can help you file a claim against a property owner if you suffered injuries on their property. Our Bryan slip and fall accident attorneys can work through the details while you try to focus on healing. You can trust us to:

  • Investigate and photograph the accident site
  • Identify and interview witnesses
  • Negotiate a fair and just settlement with the property insurer
  • File a premises liability lawsuit if necessary

Above all, we will put your best interests first and fight to get you just compensation.

Talk To a Bryan Slip and Fall Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident, turn to The Payne Law Group. We offer free consultations, and there is never a fee until we recover for you. Contact us today to get started.