Unfortunately, truck accidents are all too common in Bryan and College Station, often resulting in severe and even fatal injuries. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these accidents can take on you and your loved ones. If you find yourself in this situation, you deserve just compensation. That’s where The Payne Law Group steps in, ready to support and fight for you. 

At The Payne Law Group, we have a wealth of experience handling truck accident claims involving delivery trucks, semis, and tractor-trailers. Our team is well-versed in the complexities of these cases and knows what it takes to fight trucking companies and their insurers. We will fight hard for every dollar you deserve, ensuring you don’t bear the burden of someone else’s negligence. Consult with our experienced truck accident lawyer today. We represent clients in Brazos County and throughout Texas. 

Truck Accidents Can Result in Catastrophic Injuries

Given the size and weight of a typical commercial truck, collisions with passenger vehicles have catastrophic consequences. Even low-speed collisions between an 18-wheeler and a car can cause catastrophic injuries.

Victims of truck accidents often suffer from the following:

It is imperative to seek immediate medical treatment and follow your doctor’s recommendations for treatment, surgery, and rehabilitation. The medical record will help to support your claim. 

This is crucial because the trucking company and its insurance company have a team of investigators, lawyers, and adjusters who will do everything possible to minimize your injuries and prevent you from getting the compensation you need and deserve.

Rest assured, The Payne Law Group will handle all the details of your claim, leaving no stone unturned. We will hold the responsible parties accountable, ensuring they face the consequences of their actions. Most importantly, we will protect your rights, ensuring you are not taken advantage of during this difficult time. 

Who Is Liable for Your Truck Accident?

Responsibility in a trucking accident is notoriously more difficult to determine than liability in a car accident. Multiple parties are responsible for the safe operation of commercial trucks on the roads and highways in Texas. A failure by any party can lead to a crash, resulting in severe injuries. 

Parties who might be responsible for your damages include the:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck manufacturer
  • Crews who loaded cargo in or on the trailer

Truck accidents typically involve at least two defendants – the truck driver and the trucking company. Drivers must abide by federally mandated driving limits and rest rules and may be held liable for fatigued driving. Trucking companies can also be found negligent if they:

  • Overwork truck drivers to the point of fatigue
  • Fail to perform background checks thoroughly
  • Fail to train drivers properly
  • Fail to maintain their trucks adequately 

Representing Truck Accident Victims in Texas

The Payne Law Group has assisted truck accident victims in Bryan, College Station, the Brazos Valley, and all of Texas for decades. Our experienced personal injury lawyers have a proven track record of success, having secured millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. You can be confident in our expertise and commitment to fighting for your rights. 

Since 1949, our team has earned a reputation as dedicated advocates and allies of the injured. We believe in keeping our clients informed and involved throughout the process. Get a winning team in your corner. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start working on your truck accident claim.

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