Fighting the Good Fight for Injured Employees in Bryan, College Station & the Surrounding Areas
Texas does not require employers to cover their employees with a workers’ compensation insurance policy. As a result, many people who get hurt at work in Texas must file a work injury claim against their employer to receive fair compensation for their injuries and resulting damages.
If you were hurt while at work in Bryan, Texas, you can count on The Payne Law Group to be your legal guides and your voice for the road ahead. We were first founded in 1949 and rapidly made a name for ourselves by taking big, high-value cases that often reached both headlines and courtrooms.
When your employer is trying to blame you for your injuries, we can stand up for you, even if they are a major corporation that is internationally known.
How Do You Know If You Have Workers’ Comp?
If you are covered by workers’ compensation insurance provided by your employer, then you likely do not have the opportunity to sue them directly for your work injury.
The legal agreement provided under most workers’ comp policies is that an injured employee can receive compensation regardless of their own liability, but they cannot file a claim against their employer.
There are some businesses in Texas that purchase workers’ compensation for this legal shield. How do you know if your employer is one of them? The simplest way to know if you have workers’ compensation coverage is to ask your employer. They should be able to give you a straight answer without any hassle.
However, if they already know you are planning on filing a work injury claim against them, then they might be less than cooperative. Our Bryan work injury attorneys can step in and use legal means to retrieve any information they wrongfully refuse to share with you if it comes to that.
Independent Contractors & Workers’ Compensation
You are also highly likely to not have workers’ compensation if you are considered an independent contractor. In practically all employment situations, independent contractors are not covered by workers’ comp policies and must always pursue an independent civil claim against the party that caused their work injury.
This can be:
- An employer
- A coworker
- A third party like a vendor
- And so on
What Damages Are Available in a Work Injury Claim?
What damages can you collect in a successful work injury claim? How much compensation will those damages provide? The answer lies in how liable you are found for your own accident, as is true in any personal injury claim in Texas.
The state uses a modified comparative fault rule that reduces recoverable damages by a percentage equal to the plaintiff’s own liability. Once a plaintiff is found to be at least 51% liable for their injuries and damages, they cannot file a claim against other involved parties.
Your damages in a work injury claim can include:
- Cost of necessary medical care
- Future medical treatments and therapies
- Lost wages
- Reduced earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Lasting mental or emotional trauma
As your work injury lawyers, we will work diligently to minimize your liability as much as possible. In doing so, we can maximize how much compensation you can demand from the defendant or defendants.
Standing With the Working Class in Texas
No one should face financial ruin because of one accident at work, but it can happen to anyone who is not covered by workers’ compensation and who does not win their work injury claim.
The Payne Law Group in Bryan, Texas is committed to giving honest, hardworking Texans just like you a fighting chance against employers, insurance companies, and others who would rather not give you anything after a workplace accident. Make our 70+ years of legal experience your own by contacting us today.